Neutral Floor Cleaners

Neutral Floor Cleaners

The pH scale is measure of how ACID or ALKALINE a chemical is.

The scale is measured from 0 to 14.  The closer is is to Zero or 14 wil mean the chemical is likely to be "Caustic".
This means it is capable of destroying or eating away at something, such as a surface, or metal, or living tissue (your skin).

Water is in the middle of the scale at approx. 7.  It is what we would normally call Neutral.
The can be very 

Neutral floor cleaners with not harm the surface of a floor and tend to leave less residue when the water evaporates away.
Adding water to a clemical will alos reduce the pH level, but not if it is a pH Neutral cleaner.
pH neutral cleaners are good for homes, hospitals, schools, daycare centers, gyms, office buildings, restaurants, and more.

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